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Monday, March 26, 2012

Meaning of A B C D E

Do u know whats A B C D E F G? 

A Boy Can Do Everything For Girl Now reverse da order, can u guess the full form of: G F E D C B A ? Girls Forgets Everything Done & Catches(new) Boy Again.....

All Women On Heaven

What do u call a woman in heaven? An Angel. A crowd of woman in heaven? A host of Angels. And all woman in heaven?  PEACE ON EARTH!....

How To Control Anger

Dad to son: when i beat you how do you control your anger? Son: i start cleaning toilet. Dad: how does that satisfy you? Son: I clean it with your tooth brush.....

Teacher to child How should we

Teacher to child: How should we add one and one so that they may be more than two? Child: Sir, we should marry them.....

Let me invite you to meet

Boy: I heard you are getting   married?

 Girl: Nahhaa!
Boy: But you love me?

 Girl: Yes, but loving doesn?t mean I will marry with you?.

 Boy: Oh oo o ook??? then let me invite you to meet my....